RE Lee's Tiger Cubs by anonymous
Chapter One - Background
Back in the day when it was OK to be gay...1956 in this case; a year of peace, happiness and prosperity in this small town in rural south central Tennessee.
For us young white boys anyway ... the mostly out of sight colored folks lived in a state of poverty ... extreme poverty mainly . We white boys went to a school named after confederate general Robert E Lee. RE Lee elementary school's buildings were impressive structures located near the town's churches and shops lining the square around the county courthouse.
Now, the colored boys school, located out past the edge of town, was very different, a dismal sight ... an old decaying vine covered 3 story brick building with small windows. It was a few fields behind and over from the coca cola plant on highway 64. Us white boys never had occasion to get any closer than a few blocks away which seemed quite normal to us but the sight of this gray monolithic structure gave the whole area ...what ?
Nooji couldn't play with us on the RE Lee team because he went to the colored boys school. Nooji as what was then called an extrovert, so friendly, gregarious almost at times. But usually came across as shy and deprecating. Usually had his head bowed with a big smile on his face. He loved to play football with us radio city kids and was often the first one picked when we were choosing sides for games .
Chapter Two - Coach A and Coach B
Coach A > the good guy and Coach B > the bad guy and asshole royale..
well it worked didn't it .... turning boys into men takes _______
Chapter Three - The Fall Season of 1956
Freshly juiced with sips of jack and coke and
loaded with testosterone generated by barely hairy balls, the the tiger cub's football team were getting ready to rumble ...... with their next opponent. The badasses from Booneshill .... Coach A and coach B had arranged a special game to settle matters... winner take all.
Ed Bomar, the team's assistant captain, and water boy extraordinaire was ____ >> to be continued >?______________________________________________Chapter Four - Black vs Blue Extra Circular Activities
by this time Toonie's gang had soaked painted Nooji's skin totally blue ...
Letter from Robert E. Lee to Mary Randolph Custis Lee (December 27, 1856)
In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge,
that slavery as an institution is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white than to the black race. They had grown rich off of free labor, and they could get away with anything, it seemed, except losing.
even at this level, there was lots of money to be made ....
albino: person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers
(or more rarely only in the eyes);
the Nooji twins ... Nooji ... used to
The year was 1956, and the town of Radio City was abuzz with excitement. The RE Lee Tiger Cubs were about to start their football season, and everyone was talking about the team's chances.
The Tiger Cubs had a lot of talent, but they also had a lot of pressure on them. The town had high expectations for the team, and the players knew that they had to live up to them.
One of the players who was feeling the pressure was Nooji. Nooji was a good football player, but he was also different. He was colored, and he went to the colored boys school.
Nooji knew that some of the people in town didn't like that he was different. He had heard the whispers and the insults, but he didn't let it get to him. He knew that he was a good football player, and he was determined to prove himself to everyone.
The first game of the season was against the rival town of Whitesville. The game was played at the RE Lee stadium, and the stands were packed with fans.
The Tiger Cubs started off strong, and they quickly took a lead. Nooji was playing his heart out, and he was making some great plays.
The Whitesville team was starting to get desperate, and they started to play dirty. They were tackling Nooji late and they were hitting him below the belt.
Nooji was getting frustrated, but he didn't give up. He kept playing hard, and he helped the Tiger Cubs to win the game.
After the game, the fans stormed the field to congratulate the Tiger Cubs. Nooji was one of the most popular players on the team, and he was cheered by everyone.
Nooji was proud of his team's victory, but he was also proud of himself. He had faced adversity, but he had overcome it. He had proven himself to everyone, and he had shown that he could be a great football player, no matter what his color was.
Nooji was an albino, which meant that he had very pale skin, white hair, and red eyes. He was often mistaken for being white, which led to some confusion and misunderstandings. However, Nooji never let his appearance define him. He was a kind and compassionate person, and he was always willing to help others. He was a great football player, and he was a valuable member of the RE Lee Tiger Cubs.